Welcome back for the second installment in the WordPress setup series for an Amazon affiliate niche website. In this installment, we’ll be covering how to use the mojo.com installer that Bluehost.com provides an integration point for. You can find the post, on how we setup the domain here. The outcome will be a base WordPress install with a new strong admin password.
The first thing you need to do is log into Bluehost.com. Again, for disclosure, we are an affiliate site, so if you click one of the Bluehost.com links, and sign up, we’ll get some cash for our efforts. Once in the bluehost.com cPanel, ensure you are on the Home tab
and under websites, you’ll find Install WordPress, go ahead and press that and let the fun begin. If this is the first time you’ve ran through this, you will be prompted to setup a mojo.com account. If you’ve used Mojo before and you’ve
logged in, it should just pass you over with no login in about a minute or so.
Once you are logged into Mojo, you’ll need to select the Start button. Yes, installing WordPress through the Mojo site is that simple. All of the rest of the steps are just as easy. Next, select the domain that you want to install to. This is the only, real decision point in the entire install. Do you want your default page to be www.domain.com or just domain.com.
This will be important later on when you are starting to do your SEO to improve your Google rankings. Personally, I like dropping the www and just using the domain.
The Mojo site, will then check to see if the site is ready to install to. Bluehost.com installed some default pages when the domain was built. Mojo will find these and throw up an “Oops…” notice. Just check the box next to the the “Oops…” and press forward. Next, you get to agree that you’ve read the terms and conditions. Finally, press “Install now” and sit back and wait.
You can watch how the install is going, by watching the Green bar at the top. Once the install is complete, it will be full. and you’ll get an alert stating that the install was successful.
The final step that needs to be completed, is resetting the password the WordPress admin password. Go to your yourdomain.com/wp-admin. On the login page, press the “Reset Password” link. On the following page, enter the email address that is used for you bluehost.com account. The Mojo installer uses this address, as the
default admin account during the install. And click the “Get new password” link. When you get the email, click on the link at the bottom of the email, enter your new password twice and press “Reset Password”. Now,
enter your email address and your new password and login.
And there you have it, you are ready to move onto the next steps in the WordPress setup series. Stay tuned for the next installment. We’ll be discussing how to start configuring the WordPress setup to be your own.
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